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ENTraNCE for Judges 2019 – Call for applications – Training in EU Competition Law

To the attention of the members of the EAJ

 Dear Colleagues,

Please find hereinafter a message regarding the 9th edition of ENTraNCE for Judges, the training programme for national judges in EU competition law and economics co-funded by DG Competition of the European Commission.

We are still receiving  applications for the 9th edition of ENTraNCE for Judges, a training programme for national judges in EU competition law and economics co-funded by DG Competition of the European Commission.

Kindly find the flyer describing the main features of the course attached to this message for your convenience. For additional information on the course, please visit our webpage.

This year’s edition of ENTraNCE for Judges will focus on the interaction between intellectual property rights and competition law. It will be held at the EUI campus in Florence; the first three days of the residential training programme are scheduled for January 31st – February 2nd, 2019. 

The final three-day workshop will be held on September 26th – 28th, 2019.

The course is addressed to 26 judges from EU Member States interested in deepening their knowledge and sharing experience in EU competition law enforcement. The training programme is free of charge; travel and accommodation costs in Florence for selected judges will be borne by the project budget. 

Kindly find additional information on the requirements to apply below.
Only judges from the following categories of national courts are eligible to apply:

  1. Specialized competition law tribunals;
  2. Administrative courts (first or last instance) that have jurisdiction to review NCAs’ decisions;
  3. Civil and commercial courts that have jurisdiction in private enforcement cases of EU competition law. First instance courts are not eligible to apply.

Nationality: Judges from Denmark and UK are not eligible to apply.

The deadline to submit the application is 30 November 2018, please find here the link to the online application form:

Best regards

The IAJ General Secretariat


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